RoboMQ Recognized in Forrester Report: Integration Platforms Q2 2021

RoboMQ has been recognized among the top 40 Integration Platform Service Providers in Forrester’s “Now Tech: Integration Platforms, Q2 2021” report.
We are honored to be recognized in the latest  Forrester Integration Platforms Report, Q2 2021. The report provides a holistic view to businesses about vendors who can deliver a greater variety of integration patterns and capabilities including data virtualization, connected intelligence, and event-driven architecture (EDA).

How Forrester Evaluates and Categorizes Vendors

The categorization of the Integration Platforms Providers has been done based on the market presence as well as their annual revenue of the vendors, starting with large established players (who generate more than $200 million in annual revenue), midsize providers (who generate $30 to $200 million in revenue) and small providers (who generate less than $30 million in revenue). In addition, the report also highlights different integration capabilities of vendors such as Focused iPaaS, Enterprise iPaaS, iPaaS for Citizen Integration, iPaaS for Event-driven Architecture, and Connected Intelligence Integration.
Forrester has listed RoboMQ as a small-sized Integration Platform and Service Provider in the Focused iPaaS and iPaaS for Citizen Integration. Our recognition in these categories demonstrates our high expertise in implementing a core set of integrations with simple solutions that can accommodate the integration needs of both experts and citizen integrators with easy-to-use templates, interfaces, and wizards in its integration solutions.
On inclusion of RoboMQ in the Forrester’s Integration Platforms: Q2, 2021 report, Bramh Gupta, the CEO of RoboMQ said, “RoboMQ has been providing enterprise-grade, cloud, iPaaS, and hybrid integration solutions for almost a decade now and this inclusion is a testament that over the years, we have acquired immense expertise in providing integration solutions. As we continue to grow as an iPaaS integration specialist, we look forward to helping enterprises drive business growth and being listed in more such reports by Forrester in the future.”

How RoboMQ Meets the Need for Integration Platforms

According to Forrester, the number of applications and data sources are exploding as digital transformation is progressing. This is why, integration platforms are required to interface them together with iPaaS solutions to simplify and reduce the cost of developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining applications and data interfaces.
RoboMQ has been providing application and data integration solutions like Connect iPaaSHybrid Integration Platform, and Pre-packed Integration Products to SMEs and large enterprises to help them integrate and automate their business processes on hybrid, cloud, and on-premise environment. These integration solutions provide quick and easy ways to integrate applications and data enabling scalability and digital transformation to businesses.
As per Forrester, integration platforms create unified customer experiences, deliver digital products and services, and gain better control over data security and governance. Our inclusion in the integration platforms segment by Forrester works as an endorsement that RoboMQ helps businesses drive digital growth and build more meaningful customer relationships with our suite of iPaaS solutions and products.

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