See How Hire2Retire Can Drive Success for Your Organization |17th Oct 2024|


Arc3 Gases Streamlined Employee Lifecycle Management with Hire2Retire’s HR-IT Integration

Upto 90% Cost Reduction
Superior "First Day at Work"
Security Compliance
Role based access control


Company Size

500+ employees   

Implemented Solution



It is very rare for the bottle of your favorite soft drink to be flat and uncarbonated or for your store-bought wafers to be oxidized. That’s because these are the scenarios Arc3 Gases was created to avoid. Having started as a machine shop in 1925, Arc3 Gases is now an industry leader in supplying high-quality industrial gases and welding equipment. The company has been providing core products like CO2, Oxygen, Argon, Helium, and more gases in a range of purity levels to customers in the manufacturing, construction, and beverage gas industries to optimize their businesses. Today, Arc3Gases has a presence in 54 locations in the industrial markets around North and South Carolina, where it has been serving various industries ranging from food & beverage to research, to health care. 

Struggles and Pains

From equipment installation to medical or beverage gas delivery, Arc3 Gases has been pioneering in all by providing an unmatched level of customer service. However, issues started when Arc3 Gases announced a new location in Charlottesville, Virginia. The company’s IT team and Sysadmins were updating multiple software systems manually to manage employee count and access provisioning. With the new location, the employee count shot up, triggering inefficiencies and a lack of real-time progress in operations. The time and productivity that were supposed to be dedicated to new inventions for the company were getting compromised in manual AD (Active Directory) updates. Additionally, the recipes of companies were sensitive, and there was no chance Arc3 could still depend on manual role-based access control to cater to security and compliance needs.

As a result, Arc3 Gases started looking for integration software that could help streamline its employee lifecycle management process, identity provisioning, and improve efficiency in its HR operations; the kind of challenges Hire2Retire was designed to overcome. 


With Hire2Retire, Arc3Gases saw an increase in efficiency and productivity, as its Sysadmins were no longer wasting time manually updating employee data in different systems. The ADP to Azure AD end-to-end integration helped Arc3 Gases synchronize and update employee lifecycle changes in realtime so that its IT team can focus on more important matters. The solution transformed HR and identity provisioning functions resulting in: 

Quick and accurate updates of employee lifecycle events in the Active Directory

Improvement in Sysadmins' productivity as a result of removing the manual updates in HRIS and AD

Cost savings because of the improved efficiency and productivity, which ultimately increased the company's net revenue.

Want to learn more?

Ready to join the wave of companies automating their employee lifecycle management processes with Hire2Retire? Schedule a demo call with us today to see what Hire2Retire can do for your business. 

RoboMQ is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with any of HR systems that it provides integration with and are mentioned in this case study. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners.